Winding Road Counseling

Jennifer Zwarich, LCSW-C

Navigating life with its day to day challenges, detours and intersections takes a lot of energy. And it can feel lonely at times.

Sometimes we need someone to help us take a pause and breathe.

I am here to provide a nurturing and affirming environment for that pause, to teach skills on how to restore and connect to yourself, and reconnect in a healthy way with others.

  • I should do this

  • I should have done that

  • Why can’t I do it the way others can?

  • Why didn’t I think of that?

  • What is wrong with me?

  • Am I good enough?

My goal is to provide an affirming space where you can be your true self, seen and heard.

I facilitate this by:

  • Creating moments for you to pause, reflect, and connect with your experiences.

  • Helping you understand and become comfortable with your inner dialogue.

  • Assessing the needs of your whole system – your nervous system, and the individual parts that make you unique.